Sep 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Courses of Study

The following is a listing of all courses of instruction offered by departments at Fletcher Technical Community College. This listing is as accurate and complete as possible at the time of publication of this catalog. Since this catalog was prepared, some courses may have been added, others may have been deleted, and/or changes in content may have been made.

The course numbering system implies the following: Courses numbered below 1000 are developmental courses. Courses in the 1000 series are designed for freshmen. Courses in the 2000 series are designed for sophomores.

Courses numbered below 1000 are developmental and are not acceptable for credit toward a diploma or an associate degree. Some other courses numbered 1000 and above may not carry credit toward some associate degrees.

The numerical listing after the course titles gives the following information (ex. 3-3-0-0):

  • first number, semester credit hours
  • second number, lecture contact/clock hours per week
  • third number, laboratory contact/clock hours per week
  • fourth number, other contact/clock hours per week

EXAMPLE: EXAM 2015 - Example Course I (3-1-2-3)

3 credit hours
1 clock hour of lecture per week for 1 credit hour
2 clock hours of laboratory per week for 1 credit hour
3 clock hours of other (clinical/studio/internship) for 1 credit hour

A credit hour is a measurement of course work completed satisfactorily. Numerical listings, as noted in the example above, are based on a 15-week semester. For summer terms and abbreviated course offerings, such as those offered during minimesters, contact hours are converted to ensure compliance with the credit hours awarded policy. For lecture, one semester hour of credit is given for one hour of class attendance/contact per week for a period of one semester or 15 weeks. In laboratory courses, a minimum of two clock hours of attendance/contact per week are required to earn one semester hour of credit. For clinicals, internships, practicum work, studio work, or other work-based activities, one credit hour is given for a minimum of three clock hours of attendance/contact per week in a standard 15-week semester.

Listing of a course does not necessarily mean that it will be offered every year or every term during a given year. Some departments indicate in the course description the semester in which a course is normally offered. If no information is given in the course description, students should contact the department to determine when the course is to be offered.

All courses used as prerequisites to other courses must be completed with a C or higher in order to satisfy the prerequisite requirement for the subsequent course.




Agriculture Technology


Air Conditioning & Refrigeration




Automotive Technology






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