Sep 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Records & Registration

Records/Confidentiality of Records

All records submitted become the property of the College and are not returned to the student. A student must be aware of the importance of supplying correct information on college applications, college records, etc. A student’s records must be true and correct to the best of the student’s knowledge. Falsification of student records may result in disciplinary actions, including dismissal from the College, and penalties from appropriate State Boards. Records are housed at the main campus. These records are confidential.

Release of Student Records/Transcripts

Release of information and/or the issuance of transcripts must be made through the proper request procedure and must be authorized by the student. All requests for an official academic transcript must be submitted through the National Student Clearinghouse. You may access the Clearinghouse by clicking this link: Official Academic Transcript Request Form. Transcripts are issued at a cost of $5 per transcript plus a $2.25 processing fee. There will be an additional charge of $1 for transcripts that are sent electronically. Official transcripts will not be issued if a student has any form of hold on his/her account.

Transcript requests made by telephone or requests made by the parent, spouse, or prospective employer of a student will not be honored except with the written authorization of the student. The parent of a student less than 18 years of age may be provided a copy of the student’s transcript if the student is a dependent of the parent as defined by the Internal Revenue Service.

Change of Name, Address, or Phone

A student must notify Enrollment Services immediately when a name/phone/address change occurs. Phone, address, and email changes are to be made through the student’s LoLA account. Name changes cannot be requested through LoLA. For name changes, official documentation must be submitted with a completed name change form that can be obtained in the Enrollment Services Office. Communications will be e-mailed/mailed to students at the e-mail address/mailing address currently on file.

Contact with Students Through Email

Electronic mail (email) is an official method of communication between the College and students, including, but not limited to, admissions, registration, financial aid, and academic affairs. Fletcher email accounts will be issued after initial registration. The Fletcher e-mail account can be accessed from the Fletcher website ( under the FalconNet link. Students should check e-mail at least once a day. The College provides computer access for all students by way of open computer labs, the Student Success Center (SSC), and library facilities.

Academic Probation and Suspension

A student’s academic performance is evaluated at the end of each semester. A student who has attempted 15 credit hours of courses (including those attempted at other institutions) who does not maintain a minimum 2.0 grade point average (semester and cumulative) will be placed on academic probation. The student will be allowed to register for the next semester; however, the student who is on academic probation may not register for more than 13 credit hours in a fall/spring semester or 12 credit hours in a summer semester.

A Fletcher student who is suspended at the end of the fall semester must sit out during the following spring semester, unless an appeal to attend is granted. A Fletcher student who is suspended at the end of the Spring Semester may attend the summer session. If the student raises his or her term average to 2.0 during the summer session, the student may attend the fall semester. If the term average remains below 2.0, the student is suspended for the following fall semester, unless an appeal to attend is granted.

Auditing A Course

Auditing a course allows a student to take a course but the course is not graded nor does the student earn credit for the course. A prospective student interested in auditing a course is required to follow the regular admission process. All course prerequisites/co-requisites must be met to audit a course. Test scores and/or official transcripts for any prior college credit can be waived from the admission process in the event that the student is planning to enroll in a course that has no prerequisite/co-requisite requirements. Tuition and fees for an audited course are the same as for a credit course.

Once the student has registered for the desired course, he/she must complete a Course Audit Request Form and submit it to the Registrar’s office before the end of the drop/add period as designated by the official College calendar. Once this form is submitted to the Registrar’s office, the student cannot request a change back to a credit course. Courses taken on an audit basis do not fulfill any certificate, diploma, or degree requirements. The final grade for an audited course is “AU.” Credit exams cannot be taken for courses that have previously been audited.

Change of Program

A student who wishes to change his/her program of study after enrolling must complete a Program Change Request form. A student who changes programs must meet all of the program and course entry requirements for the new program. In some circumstances, a student may have previously met the requirements of the original program without having to take developmental studies; however, requesting a change may require a student to complete additional courses in general studies until such time that the Nursing and Allied Health department determines the student’s eligibility for admission to the clinical portion of the program. The student will then need to complete the admission process required by the Nursing and Allied Health department. Upon changing programs additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • having a high school diploma or Adult Education Diploma
  • meeting the required entrance exam scores for the program
  • meeting the required entrance exam scores for any additional courses
  • meeting the age requirements for the program
  • meeting the immunization requirements of the program

For only non-credit programs, student majors may be changed administratively without the consent of students due to the nature of the workforce application process. Enrollment Services will review all requests for program changes. If the student does not meet the requirements, the student will be informed of what he or she needs to do to meet the requirements.

Graduation Requirements

A student should meet on a regular basis with his or her academic advisor to assure progress is being made toward the completion of the student’s program of study. Candidates for an associate degree, diploma, certificate of technical studies, or certificate of general studies must fulfill the general requirements of the curriculum/program in which he/she is enrolled.

Candidates for Career and Technical Certificates (CTC), Certificates of Technical Studies (CTS), Certificates of General Studies (CGS), and Technical Diplomas (TD) must meet the following requirements:

  • 25% of the program’s total credit hours must be completed at Fletcher
  • 2.0 or higher grade point average on all coursework (Fletcher and/or transfer) used toward fulfillment of the program

Candidates for an associate degree must meet the following requirements:

  • 25 percent of the program’s total credit hours must be completed at Fletcher
  • 2.0 or higher grade point average on all coursework (Fletcher and/or transfer) used toward fulfillment of the program
  • 2.5 or higher overall grade point average on concentration area coursework if a concentration area is required 2.0 or higher overall grade point

Candidates for an associate degree, technical diploma, certificate of technical studies, or certificate of general studies must fulfill the general requirements of the curriculum/program from which he/she is planning to graduate. Candidates must complete these requirements with an overall grade point average of 2.0 or above on all work completed at Fletcher and all work accepted as credit that is being used toward fulfillment of the courses required by the curriculum/program. Candidates for an Associate of General Studies must complete the concentration area with a grade point average of 2.5 or above on all courses used for completion of the concentration area.

Candidates who are completing the highest exit level available in the program from which they are graduating must complete any required exit exams to be eligible for graduation. Candidates must be free of debt to all colleges in the Louisiana Community and Technical College System. Candidates must be approved by the program coordinator and/or the dean of the program (or dean’s appointee) in which they are enrolled, and the Registrar’s Office.

Graduation Application Procedure

A graduating student should complete and submit a graduation application by the priority application deadline as indicated on the College’s Academic Calendar. If a student does not plan to participate in the commencement ceremony but wishes to receive a certificate, diploma, or degree, he/she is required to complete a graduation application. A graduating student should complete a graduation application via the graduation application link on the College’s website. A separate graduation application is required for each program of study from which the student is applying to graduate. The application and degree audit will be reviewed by the appropriate program coordinator and/or the dean of the program (or dean’s appointee), then forwarded to the Registrar’s office.

Recording of Non-Terminal Credit Credentials

Many programs at Fletcher encompass certificate credentials that students earn while working towards the terminal credential in their program of study. These credentials are identified and recorded by the Register’s Office. The Registrar’s Office will communicate the students who are eligible for a credential to the appropriate program coordinator and/or the dean of the program (or dean’s appointee) for approval. Once approved, the Registrar’s Office will record the credential on eligible students’ academic transcripts.

Disputing Credentials Earned and Transcribed

Students who want to dispute a credential recorded on their academic transcript may do so by submitting a detailed request in writing to the Registrar’s Office.

The request must include:

  • the reason the credential is being disputed by the student
  • how the credential is negatively impacting the student, and
  • if there are any future implications regarding the recorded credential

Disputes will be evaluated by the Registrar’s office and Academic Affairs.

Graduation Ceremony

A graduation ceremony is held once a year in May for students who graduate in the fall, spring, and summer semesters. A student who participates in the graduation ceremony will incur expenses for a cap and gown. Announcements, caps and gowns, and class rings may be purchased by the student through the bookstore. Students who have completed a graduation application will receive graduation information, including commencement activities, by email/mail. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that Enrollment Services has a correct e-mail and mailing address.

All students must have completed all requirements toward graduation prior to participating in commencement. However, due to the uniqueness of some programs and the fact that there is only one commencement yearly, Fletcher provides the opportunity for students who have not completed all requirements to participate in commencement, if they meet the following criteria:

  1. The student must have good academic standing when applying for graduation.
  2. The student has no more than three courses or 11 credit hours remaining for graduation and these courses must be completed in the summer.
  3. The coursework may include an internship or practicum experience, which can also be completed during the summer.

Students requesting permission to participate in the commencement ceremony who have not completed all graduation requirements but who are eligible to walk under the above criteria must:

  1. Receive certification from the dean or department head from which they are graduating that they are eligible to participate in commencement. The school must send certification to the Registrar’s Office by March 1.
  2. Receive final written approval from the Registrar’s Office that they are eligible to participate in commencement.
  3. Register and pay for coursework during summer registration. Participating in commencement exercises prior to completing all graduation requirements is a privilege and does not guarantee the student’s right to graduate unless all requirements have been met.

Graduation Honors

Academic honors are awarded to degree and terminal certificate candidates who have maintained a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 and above in their program of study and have earned the required semester credit hours toward a degree at Fletcher Technical Community College. Students who graduate from Fletcher with an overall grade point average (GPA) within the ranges listed below are recognized with the appropriate honors at graduation. All honor graduates will wear an honor cord at graduation.

Dean’s Honor Graduates: 3.5 to 3.79
Chancellor’s Honor Graduates: 3.8 to 4.0


Dates and times of registration are advertised in each semester’s registration bulletin and on the Fletcher website. Registration for each semester is done through LoLA. A student must be an active student and have an active LoLA account to register through LoLA. Students who have become inactive must reapply and be accepted for admission before registering. A student must meet with his/her advisor before completing the registration process. It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the requirements of the curriculum in which he or she is enrolled and to register for course work applicable toward the program of study. Students who have any type of hold on their record from any college in the LCTC System (LCTCS) may be ineligible for registration until the hold is cleared with the respective college.

Maximum Course Load Per Semester

The maximum course load allowed for students in good academic standing for a fall/spring semester is 20 credit hours. The maximum course load allowed for students in good academic standing for a summer semester is 11 credit hours. Any student wishing to enroll in 21 or more credit hours during a fall or spring semester or 12 or more credit hours in a summer semester must receive written permission of the department head or dean of the program or area in which the student is enrolled. Course load waiver forms are available in Enrollment Services, on Fletcher’s website, and through the student’s faculty advisor.

No Show Policy

Fletcher Technical Community College defines a No-Show student as a one who has completed all necessary requirements for registration in the College but has not attended a face-to-face class at least one time or completed at least one academically-related activity in a hybrid or online class by:

The official 10th class day of a full semester; or
The official 5th day of a session or summer semester/session.

For guidance, see the section below entitled “Attendance and Academically-Related Activity.

All courses reported by the instructor as a “No show” will be removed from the student’s schedule. The Registrar’s Office updates the student’s records based on the instructor’s reports. Students who are reported as no-shows will have their classes drop/deleted from their academic history and will not owe tuition or fees.

Determining Attendance and Academically-Related Activity

Attendance and/or an academically-related activity includes but is not limited to:

  • Attending a synchronous class, lecture, recitation, or field or laboratory activity, physically or online, where there is an opportunity for interaction between the instructor and students;
  • Submitting an academic assignment;
  • Taking an exam, quiz, an interactive tutorial, or computer-assisted instruction;
  • Attending a study group assigned by the school
  • Participating in an online discussion board about academic matters and/or self-introduction to the class; and
  • Initiating contact with a faculty member regarding extenuating circumstances for non-participation

The definition of academic attendance and academically-related activity does not include activities where a student may be present on-campus but not academically engaged, such as:

  • Logging into an online class without active participation; or
  • Participating in academic counseling or advising
  • Participating in a student-organized study group
  • Initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject matter or resources of the course.

Resignation From College

A student wishing to resign from the College on or before the final withdrawal date as stated in the College’s academic calendar is to resign by dropping the courses for which he/she is registered through his/her LoLA account. If a student resigns from the College during the drop and add period as designated on the academic calendar, courses are removed from the student’s transcript. If a student resigns from the College after the drop and add period but on or before the final withdrawal date as designated on the academic calendar, the student will receive a grade of W in the remaining courses.

Schedule Changes

Changes to a student’s schedule are made through LoLA during the designated drop and add period at the beginning of each semester. Once drop and add is over, a student may no longer add classes to his/her schedule unless the student is enrolled in an open-enrollment program of study. Section changes may be allowed due to extenuating circumstances and if approved by the appropriate department head and Dean.


Success in employment and education is dependent upon preparation and regular attendance. Students are expected to attend all classes. Specific attendance policies vary depending upon instructor, department, or program. If an absence occurs, it is the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor. Contact information for faculty and specific attendance policies can be found in the course syllabus. Faculty may withdraw a student from a class for excessive absences.

Chancellor’s List

The Chancellor’s List is a means of encouraging and recognizing academic excellence. To be recognized on the Chancellor’s List, a student must earn 12 credit hours for the semester with a semester grade point average of 3.5 or higher.

Dean’s List

The Dean’s List has been established as a means of encouraging and recognizing academic excellence. To be recognized on the Dean’s List, a student must earn 12 credit hours for the semester with a semester grade point average of 3.0 to 3.49.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (PTK)

Established by Missouri two-year college presidents in 1918, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society serves to recognize and encourage the academic achievement of two-year college students and provide opportunities for individual growth and development through honors, leadership and service programming. Today, Phi Theta Kappa is the largest honor society in American higher education with more than 2.5 million members and 1,275 chapters located in 50 United States, U.S. Territories, Canada, Germany, Peru, the British Virgin Islands, the Republic of Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the United Arab Emirates. In 1929, the American Association of Community Colleges recognized Phi Theta Kappa as the official honor society for two-year colleges. Fletcher’s chapter Beta Tau Rho was established in 2015.

Transfer of Credits from Other Institutions to Fletcher

Credits from regionally accredited institutions of higher education are recorded on the student’s official transcript. Academic Deans will examine course equivalency, faculty credentials, and other appropriate indicators of competencies, to determine if any of these credits will be accepted as transfer credits toward the student’s program of study. The College reserves the right to deny credit where such indicators are not present or to require the student to prove competency by some other means. Academic courses taken at institutions that are not accredited by regional associations are generally not accepted at Fletcher. However, the coursework can be used as a basis for permission to take a credit examination.

A student transferring from a regionally accredited college outside of the Louisiana Community and Technical College System must provide Fletcher with an official transcript from the college/university from which he/she is transferring. If a student has attended more than one institution prior to attendance at Fletcher, an official transcript from each institution must be provided Technical credit earned from a Louisiana Technical College can be transferred if it can be demonstrated that course work and learning outcomes are at the collegiate level and the course content is applicable to a technical program at Fletcher. General education courses transferred from a Louisiana Technical College must meet course/instructor credentials as specified by the Southern Association of Colleges’ and Schools.

Credits in courses from foreign countries and universities that are nationally accredited may be accepted based on an interpretation of the credits by the appropriate Academic Dean. Students with non-credit training may receive credit through credit by examination or credit based on prior experience/learning.

The Louisiana Board of Regents maintains a statewide student transfer guide and articulation system on their web site at Students wishing to transfer credits may refer to this matrix for possible general education course credits. Transfer credit shall be limited to 75 percent of the total credit hours applied to a degree/certificate.

Articulation Agreements

Fletcher holds articulation agreements with several colleges and universities. Formal articulation agreements are held with several institutions. Please see Enrollment Services or an advisor to discuss how your Fletcher education may articulate to a bachelor’s degree at one of our articulated institutions. Fletcher holds articulation agreements with the following colleges and universities:

Nursing and Allied Health:

  • Nicholls State University
  • Louisiana State University
  • University of Holy Cross
  • Herzing University
  • Purdue Global University
  • Loyola University
  • Aspen University
  • Grand Canyon University
  • The Chicago School
  • Northwestern State University of Louisiana

Care and Development of Young Children:

  • Nicholls State University

Criminal Justice

  • Nicholls State University
  • Herzing University
  • Purdue Global University
  • University of Holy Cross

Business Administration

  • Louisiana State University-Alexandria
  • University of Holy Cross
  • Herzing University
  • Purdue Global University

General Studies/Louisiana Transfer/Associate Degree programs (Pathways to Bachelor’s Degree completion):

  • Utilizing the Master Course Articulation Matrix published by the Louisiana Board or Regents course transfer equivalencies are published for the Louisiana State University system, University of Louisiana System and the Southern University system of colleges and universities.
  • Purdue Global University
  • Herzing University
  • Grand Canyon University
  • University of Phoenix

ACT Exam Advanced Placement

A student with an exceptionally high score on the ACT (American College Test) examination may be placed in advanced level course work in Mathematics or English Composition. Students scoring 28 or higher in English will be placed in ENGL 1020 and will be eligible for credit in ENGL 1010. Students scoring 23 or higher in mathematics will be placed in MATH 1223, 2010, or 2100 and will be eligible for credit in MATH 1213.

ACCUPLACER Exam Advanced Placement Credit

A student with an exceptionally high score on the ACCUPLACER examination may be placed in advanced level course work in Mathematics or English Composition. Students scoring 118 or higher in Sentence Skills will be placed in ENGL 1020  and will be eligible for credit in ENGL 1010 . Students scoring 99 or higher in College-Level Math on the Classic ACCUPLACER test will be eligible for credit in ENGL 1010 . Students scoring 99 or higher in College-Level Math on the Classic ACCUPLACER test College-Level Math or 276 or higher in Advanced Algebra and Functions on the Next Generation ACCUPLACER TEST will be placed in MATH 1223 , MATH 2010 , or MATH 2100  and will be eligible for credit in MATH 1213 .

The alternate MATH placement exam is a two-stage exam: (1) Basic Mathematics and (2) Algebra Foundations. A student scoring below 80% on the Basic Mathematics portion of the test would be referred to Fletcher’s WorkReadyU program for remediation and skill building. A student scoring 80% or better would then proceed to take the Algebra Foundations portion of the test. A student scoring below 70% on the Algebra Foundations portion of the test would be eligible to enroll in MATH 1104 /MLAB 1104 (Fall 2020) or MATH 1104  (beginning Spring 2021). A student scoring between 70% and 79% on the Algebra Foundations portion of the test would be eligible to enroll in MATH 1103  (Fall 2020), MATH 1103  (beginning Spring 2021), MATH 1214 /MLAB 1214 (Fall 2020), or MATH 1214  (beginning Spring 2021). A student scoring 80% or greater on the Algebra Foundations portion of the test would be eligible in MATH 1213  (Fall 202) or MATH 1213  (beginning Spring 2021).

Advanced Placement Credit

A student with an exceptionally high ACT or ACCUPLACER score may be placed in an advanced-level course in certain academic disciplines.

First-time freshmen are automatically considered for Advanced Placement credit after maintaining registration through the 14th class day for the fall and spring semesters and 7th class day for the summer term.

Transfer students who have not attempted a higher-level math or English class at a former institution will be automatically considered for Advanced Placement credit after maintaining registration through the 14th class day for the fall and spring semesters and 7th class day for the summer term.

Credit will not be granted for academic sequence course work taken previously and for which grades have been earned. Credit received by advanced placement may be applied toward graduation but will not be considered in computing the overall grade point average or residency.

Credit By Prior Experience/Learning

A student may receive credit for courses on the basis of professional experience, substantial prior learning, or professional license/certification. To apply for such credit, the student should complete a Petition for Credit Based on Prior Experience/Learning, and submit the request to his/her advisor. The student may obtain the application from Enrollment Services or from his/her advisor. Only credit applicable to a Fletcher program can be awarded. The advisor will then review the request and forward it to the appropriate Academic Dean or Department Head.

Credit By Advanced Placement (AP) Program Examinations

A student may receive credit for courses on the basis of advanced placement examinations administered at his/her high school. A student achieving a score of 3 or higher on an advanced placement examination is eligible to receive credit on the basis of the test score. Test scores should be sent by the College Board directly to Fletcher. Fletcher’s college code for advanced placement scores is 7872. The examinations approved for Fletcher credit are listed in Appendix B.

Credit By College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

A student may receive credit for courses on the basis of the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), a national standardized testing program that offers exams equivalent to final exams in introductory college freshman and sophomore courses. A student must earn the minimum score of 50 or higher to receive credit. Credit is awarded when the CLEP examination score is reported on an official transcript from CLEP and sent directly by the CLEP transcript service to the College. Fletcher’s college code for CLEP scores is 6290. The examinations approved for Fletcher are listed in Appendix C. CLEP exams are administered at Nicholls State University’s Testing Center.

Credit By College-Administered Examination

A student who professes special competence gained through practical experience, extensive training, completion of noncredit courses, or completion of courses at non-accredited institutions may receive credit for courses on the basis of exams administered by the College. A credit examination must be approved in advance by the department head and the appropriate instructor and only students enrolled at Fletcher are eligible to take credit examinations. A student seeking credit by examination will initiate the process by obtaining the required application from Enrollment Services or from his/her advisor. This student will complete the application, pay the required application fee of $25, and then schedule an exam time with the instructor. Results of the examination will be recorded on the application by the instructor. Once the instructor records the grade on the application, it should be submitted to Enrollment Services. The student may not test for credit for any course which the student has previously audited. The student may not test for credit for any course in which the student made an unsatisfactory/ non-passing grade. A failed credit examination may not be repeated. A grade of C or better is required to receive credit.

Credit By Military Training

A student who has received military training can receive credit for courses on the basis of this training. Fletcher follows American Council on Education’s (ACE) Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services in determining the value of learning acquired in military service when applicable to the service member’s program of study. In order to request credit for military training, the student must submit an official military transcript which includes the ACE recommended credit, to the Admissions Office for evaluation. The transcript will then be reviewed by the appropriate academic deans in order to determine what courses the student can receive credit for. Courses for which the student is granted credit must be listed in the current academic catalog.

Non-Traditional Credit Limit

The total amount of credit earned by any non-traditional method that can be applied towards completion of a technical competency area certificate, certificate of technical studies, certificate of general studies, technical diploma, or associate degree is limited to one-half of the total credit hours required for the program. Non-traditional credit includes, but is not limited to advanced placement credit, credit by prior learning/experience, credit by AP examination, credit by CLEP, and credit by military experience.

General Education Requirements

General education is an integral part of all degree programs at Fletcher. All degree programs require at least a minimum score of 15 semester credit hours of general education. Additional general education courses are required by the Board of Regents (BOR) for the Associate of Science, the Associate of Arts, and the Associate of General Studies. The list of general education courses available at Fletcher is in Appendix E.

Fletcher has developed general education competencies with identified expected learning outcomes for its degree programs:

  1. Developed in Sense of Community
    1. Recognize the diversity of the local and global community
    2. Analyze societal issues and demonstrate an understanding of those issues to foster cultural sensitivity
    3. Formulate interpersonal relationships that expand the sense of community
  2. Developed in Critical and Creative Thinking
    1. Identify, analyze, and assess real-world situations
    2. Employ critical thinking to make logical decisions and solve difficult problems
    3. Illustrate creative thinking through various media
  3. Developed in Quantitative Reasoning
    1. Understand quantities and relationships between quantities and develop an understanding of arithmetic skills
    2. Indicate an understanding of the scientific methods
  4. Developed in Communication
    1. Express ideas clearly, creatively, logically, and appropriately in standard English
    2. Show an understanding of texts and evaluate the effectiveness and relevancy of texts

All degree-seeking students must satisfy the general education requirement for respective degree programs.

For Associate of Applied Science Degrees, fifteen (15) hours of general education coursework are required:

  • English Composition 3
  • Mathematics 3
  • Social Science 3
  • Natural Science 3
  • Humanities 3

For Associate of Science Degrees, twenty-seven (27) hours of general education coursework are required:

  • English Composition 6
  • Mathematics 6
  • Social Science 3
  • Natural Science 6
  • Humanities 3
  • Fine Arts 3

For Associate of General Studies Degrees, thirty (27) hours of general education coursework are required:

  • English Composition 6
  • Mathematics 3
  • Social Science 6
  • Natural Science 6
  • Humanities 3
  • Fine Arts 3

For Associate of Arts Louisiana Transfer Degrees, thirty-nine (39) hours of general education coursework are required:

  • English Composition 6
  • Mathematics 6
  • Social Science 6
  • Natural Science 9
  • Humanities 9
  • Fine Arts 3

For Associate of Science Louisiana Transfer Degrees, thirty-nine (39) hours of General Education coursework are required:

  • English Composition 6
  • Mathematics 6
  • Social Science 6
  • Natural Science 9
  • Humanities 9
  • Fine Arts 3

Each degree program requires that students complete specific courses to fulfill general education requirements. Students should check the general education course options and degree requirements when selecting a program of study.

Grading Policy

Grading scales are determined by department. Grades that can be earned for credit courses are as follows:

  A: Earns credit hours; carries a value of 4 quality points for each credit hour.
  B: Earns credit hours; carries a value of 3 quality points for each credit hour.
  C: Earns credit hours; carries a value of 2 quality points for each credit hour.
  D: Earns credit hours; carries a value of 1 quality point for each credit hour.
  F: Earns no credit; carries a value of 0 quality points for each credit hour.
  P: Pass: Given for courses graded pass/fail.
  S: Satisfactory: Given for courses graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Indicates course was successfully completed.
  U: Unsatisfactory: Given for courses graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Indicates course was not successfully completed.
  CR: Credit: Given for courses for which credit was granted based on examination, prior learning, etc.
  I: Incomplete: Indicates some work is incomplete. (Student must complete the work by the indicated date on the academic calendar.)
  W: Withdraw: Indicates the student has officially withdrawn from a course on or before the designated withdraw date for the semester as indicated on the academic calendar.
  AU: Audit: Given for courses for which a student has audited and for which no credit was earned.

When a student repeats a course for credit, both grades will appear on the transcript. Grades for both courses will be used in determining the official GPA posted on the transcript and will be used to determine academic honors, class standing, and academic probation and suspension. However, the last grade for the course is the grade of record for completion of program requirements.